Horningsea Pavilion

Audit of South Cambridgeshire community facilities now underway

Cambridgeshire ACRE has been commissioned by South Cambridgeshire District Council to undertake a comprehensive audit of community facilities, across all the villages and settlements of South Cambridgeshire, to help identify future priorities for spending in each identified village and settlement, based on an assessment of local need.

The audit will involve three elements:

  • A survey of parish/town councils to gain their views and inputs;
  • A survey of the managers of each primary facility identified;
  • An on-site audit of each primary facility identified.

Cambridgeshire ACRE has trained a small team of community facility auditors so that all the audits are undertaken in a consistent manner. The on-site audits will involve us gathering data, making condition assessments, and taking measurements & photos.

Once all the data has been gathered, a summary report of findings will be delivered to South Cambridgeshire District Council.

Any parish/town council that has not yet returned their survey is now strongly urged to do so. The survey can be access online at: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/sc_study_council_survey/. Please do not complete this survey if you are not a representative of a town or parish council in South Cambridgeshire.

Every primary facility in South Cambridgeshire is being contacted to arrange an appointment for auditors to visit during February and early March. We would ask that trustees and staff of village halls and community buildings in the district do their best to reply promptly to our emails / phone calls and accommodate our visits as soon as possible. Your support will be much appreciated.

Should you have any queries about this work, please contact Alison Brown, Head of Business Services at Cambridgeshire ACRE via alison.brown@cambsacre.org.uk.