Village Halls Week 2024 approaching fast

Have you heard of #VillageHallsWeek?

Running from 18 – 24 March, the aim of it is to raise awareness of the difference England’s 10,000+ village and community halls make to rural communities. It is an opportunity for hall management committees to celebrate their work and get inspiration from others.

This year’s theme is to celebrate everything village halls can do to ‘go green’. It will look at how buildings can be made more energy efficient, and how management committees can support sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviours in their community.

Throughout the week, members of the ACRE Network will be holding events and promoting the role of village halls and other community buildings; please watch out for our posts on the social media platforms you use and follow the hashtag #VillageHallsWeek.

There will be a livestreamed launch event taking place at 11am on Monday 18 March. ACRE will be launching some new Net Zero design guidance at this event and there will be an opportunity for the audience to asks questions of a panel. You can find out more at:

And, at a local level, to help celebrate the week and support those that run community buildings in Cambridgeshire, we’re holding our Centenary Community Buildings Conference on 21 March in #Burwell at 10 am. If you’d like to come along and haven’t yet booked then there’s still time to find out more and book your place at:

#VillageHallsWeek #GoGreen #CambsACRE100